Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekly Adventure Update

So, another week of Wow playing has come and gone. Its been a good week, too so lets bring you up to speed.

Raiding and Instances On Baki, I actually got into some raids this week with my guild. I got to do OS10, got the 22-slot dragon hide bag from it and 4 Emblems. Also did Naxx10 but only the Arachnid and Plague Quarter. It was my first time in Plague Quarter. When we did the Unclean boss, I got 1-shotted by the stuff coming out of the floor. Not my fault they did not explain the fight to me. But they manage to down him. In the end I finally got enough Emblems to get my first piece of badge gear, Chained Military Gorget, tank necklace. So that puts me back down to 5 Emblems.

On my other characters, I completed Scholomance with Renachan and Sunken Temple with Hazuki. Yep, took her out of retirement. I wanted to start playing with her again. I started with Sunken Temple to do the shaman class quest for that level.

Daily Quests and Reputation - My daily quests are coming along real nicely. Here is where I stand on my reputation leveling:

The Kalu'ak - Revered 18391/21000 = 88%. 12% more to Exalted
Wyrmrest Accord - Revered 13603/21000 = 65%. 35% more to Exalted
Knights of Ebon Blade - Revered 5103/21000 = 24%. 76% more to Exalted

No change in Reputation for Argent Crusade and Kiren Tor. Argent Tournament = meh for now.

Leveling - This past week, I started back up on leveling Renachan to get her to 80. I am at a point in her profession leveling to where she can start Disenchanting Northrend greens and blues to build up her mats for Enchanting. Got her up to 77. Although 77 is the level to start flying, she unfortunatly does not have enough gold to get CWF and her special DK flyer. So, more questing for her.
Did alot of leveling with Saiyah. Got her up to level 34. Working on starter STV quests.

So thats pretty much it for this week. Also note that today's maintenence will feature another patch. 3.1.1a. Until next week

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weekly Adventure Update

Another week of Wow playing has come and gone. With last weeks release of Patch 3.1, two of my characters were able to make huge strides in their professions. So lets get started with Baki.

Patch 3.1 - Of course that was the big thing last week. I did get my dual spec. Primary is Protection and Secondary is Retribution. The two things I really liked about 3.1 besides dual spec and Argent Tournament is swimming mounts (You can even mount underwater. How cool is that!) and 30 minute hearthstones. I don't care about Ulduar raid right now cause I am not geared enough for it yet.

Raids and Instances - Did not do much in Instances this week with the release of 3.1, I was more busy dealing with the new content, so I skipped on doing instances. Maybe this week.

Daily Quests and Reputation - Now that I got Exalted with Sons of Hodir, I started working on the dailies for the Kalu'ak and Ebon Blade, and also added Argent Tournament dailies to my list as well as my continued efforts on Wyrmrest Accord. Heres where I stand on the Wrath factions.

The Kalu'ak - Revered 11791/21000 =56%. 44% more to Exalted
Wyrmrest Accord - Revered 11005/21000 = 52%. 48% more to Exalted
Knights of Ebon Blade - Revered 2892/21000 = 14%. 86% more to Exalted
Argent Crusade - Revered 105/21000 = Less than 1%.
Kirin Tor - Friendly
Silver Covenent - Neutral You get rep with this faction for doing Argent Tournament dailies.

I haven't really done much with Argent Crusade or Kirin Tor. They are pretty much the least of my concerns for right now. Main thing is to get Exalted with Wyrmrest to get a Red Drake Mount.

Loremaster - Worked more on low level quests to get my Loremaster title. I worked on the Dwarf/Gnome starter quests in Dun Morogh and doing Gnomergan with all the quests. This weeks goal - Finish up Dun Morogh, start and get most of Loch Modan completed. This weeks old school instance is Scholomance. Gonna run it with Renachan.

Professions - As stated earlier, with 3.1 there were alot of changes for professions. Baki's professions are Mining and Blacksmithing. This past week, I was finally able to get my Blacksmithing from 263 skill all the way up to 445 skill current. To get to 450, I need to make Titansteel armor and weapons. It kinda sucks as Titansteel has a 20 hour cooldown for each bar made. Also they require Frozen Orbs which can be obtained from Final bosses of Heroic instances and badge vendors.

Thats it for Baki's update.

The only major thing about Rena this week was getting her profession up as well. She has enchanting. With the help of Baki leveling up Blacksmithing, Rena benifited from Disenchanting all of the items Baki made, thus getting enough materials for her enchanting. Currently she is stuck at 346 skill. 4 points away from 350 to get into the Wrath enchanting set. Just need more Arcane Dust. I am still mainly farming cloth for Saiyah.

Saiyah - Only 2 things done last week. Leveled to 31 and getting Gnomergan done. I am gonna start questing this week in usual places for Lvl 30 - 34 . The Mirage Raceway quests, the starter quests in STV, the spy quests in Theramore, and the quests in Southshore dealing with the Murlocs and Naga along the Hillsbrad shoreline. At 35, Scarlett Monestary.

So thats it with this weeks update. Happy questing!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Patch 3.1 today!!!

Not even 5 minutes after I posted my adventure updates, I saw that today Patch 3.1 Secrets of Ulduar comes out today. I honestly did not expect this. I seriously thought that it will not come out unitl next week. But its a good thing now. It changes things on what I am gonna do for Baki.
The bummer thing is that I won't be able to check it out until after work tonight. The servers are down til at least 2 or 3 pm eastern time depending on how long the maintenence takes. I start work at 1:30 and work til 10 pm.

For Baki, here are the major things I am looking forward to for 3.1

1. Dual Specs - This is one of the major things I am looking forward to. With dual specs, you can have 2 sets of talents and is able to switch between the 2 when needed. Baki is specced at Protection (tank). The second spec will be Retribution (DPS). So that if I am looking to do instances and raids, I have the option of tanking or DPS. I do prefer tank, though.

2. Argent Tournament - World Event with new dailies to do located in Icecrown at Sindragosa's Fall. Baki will probably be spending alot of time here. Lots of new loot and rewards

3. Ulduar Raid Intance. This is the biggest thing to come out patch 3.1 with over 800 pieces of loot that drops from all the bosses. Unfortunatly, unless I get lucky. It will be a while before I can do this instance as I am not geared enough. I haven't even done a full clear of Naxxramas yet. The rest of my guild unfortunaly will be jumping on this immediatly. I won't be suprised that when I log in tonight, my guild will already be doing the instance.

Those are the major things for Baki. But there are alot of cool things that benifits all of my characters mainly which are:

1. 30 minute Hearthstone down from 1 hour.

2. Swimming mounts. I am definately looking forward to this feature. No more getting dismounted in deep water.

So, here's hoping to a successful patch, and good luck to everyone in Ulduar and the Tournament.

Weekly Adventure Update

First, I hope that everybody had a Happy Easter. With that said, here is the last update from last week.

Raids and Instances - Last week with Baki, I was able to do a 10 man VoA in a pug. Nothing useful dropped but I got 2 more badges to add. As of now I have 19 EoH's and 10 EoV's. Still got a ways to go before I start buying badge gear. Later that evening, I was invited by a guild to be an Off Tank to a 10 man Naxx run. Most of my guild at the time was doing 25Heroic Naxx. We did the Military quarter but unfortunately we kept wiping on Instructor Razuvious. I don't know what we were doing wrong as it was my first time in the Military quarter. So, it was called off after 5 wipes. I ended that night session with my first clear of Utgarde Pinnacle on regular mode.

Reputations - For Baki, I finally hit exalted with Sons of Hodir, after finishing many days of doing dailies. I also got the 5 factions exalted achievement. Still got along ways to go for Wyrmrest and I am gonna start working on Kalu'ak dailies and Knights of Ebon Blade.

Loremaster - My ultimate quest for Loremaster continues this week as Baki along with Renachan cleared Sunken Temple and increased the number of quests needed for Loremaster. Also starting, in Stormwind, I turned on low level questing and picked up all the quests in Stormwind. I will complete them as i get to each zone. This weeks goal is to do the starter quests for Dwarf and Gnomes to earn exalted rep with them.

Renachan I did 2 major things with Rena this past week. 1) As stated above cleared Sunken Temple with Baki, but Rena was doing it for farming purposes. Trying to collect greens and Blues to Disenchant for enchanting mats, and Mageweave cloth for Saiyah's tailoring. Also, the other night, along with 6 other people, we were able to 7 man clear Onixya getting her first raid achievement. This week, I will be farming Marudon and Dire Maul for Runecloth to give to Saiyah.

SaiyahOnly good thing with Saiyah this week was dinging Level 30 on her and finishing up the quests in Duskwood except for the Morbent Fel quest line that takes me up to Menithil Harbor. She got her mount (man I forgot how slow the first mounts are)and as of now, I have her stationed in Ironforge to do Gnomeregan.

So, that's it for my updates. Until next week, Happy questing!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Adventure Updates

I haven't got a chance to update within the last 2 weeks due to working too much, but I do have one heck of an update on what has been accomplished up until yesterday. So here is Baki's current adventures.

Raids and Instances

I don't know if its bad luck or the group I am in , but I cannot seem to complete a Heroic instance. Not even Heroic UK. I Pugged this instance twice within the last 2 weeks, but cannot down Ingvar on his undead phase and usually after 2 failures everybody gives up. Last week I tried with my guildies Heroic VH. The first boss was Ichoron and we could not down him. At the rate I am going, who knows when I will finally clear my first Heroic.

On the good side, this past weekend I was able to do with no effort at all, Ragefire Chasm. I knew my way around Ogrimmar when I was playing with my Horde characters, so I just charged in there, and went straight to the instance, and then it took only 5 mins to get the acheivement. I also was able to do it with Renachan, although she was not as lucky as Baki was. She made it to the instance portal before she got overwhelmed by the Horde guards. But once she made it in, it was no problem.

Last night, I was invited with my guild to do an old school raid. Blackwing Lair. I got summoned when they were on the last boss. 12 lvl 80's were able to down him and I got the acheivement.

Reputation Leveling

The first part of my sessions always start with doing my dailies to raise my Reputation. The only 2 I am working on right now are Wyrmrest Accord and Sons of Hodir. I start off at Wyrmrest Temple to do Defending Wyrmrest Temple. Then I fly all the way to Coldaara to do Drake Hunt. I don't do Aces High! For the life of me, I simply cannot do that quest. I can't even down one drake. Once I am done there, I head to Dun Neffilum in Storm Peaks to do my Sons of Hodir dailies. I do all the dailies there. And then I head back to Dalaran to try for Heroics and Raids. Within the last week, I was able to get Revered with Wyrmrest and SoH, and as of right now I am approx 26 percent away from Exalted with SoH. I got a long ways to go for Exalted with Wyrmrest. I am only at 25% into Revered. Good thing is that when I do Heroics, I wear the Wyrmrest Tabard to gain rep.


My ultimate goal in this game is to get the Loremaster acheivement and title. I started out last week by going through Duskwood and Redridge Mountains to see if I had missed any quests. I found a total of 7 quests that I missed in both zones, and I knocked them out pretty quickly. Theres nothing more fun than to beat up on Lowbie mobs. I am also gonna tackle all the dungeons. But when I do the dungeons, I always make sure that I have all the quests for them before I do the dungeon. Currently with Rena, I am collecting all the quests to do Sunken Temple, then both Baki and Rena will do Sunken Temple together.

So that catches us up with what Baki is doing.

Now as for Renachan, I have frozen her leveling up for now except for dungeons to work on farming and profession leveling. She has Skinning and Enchanting. Skinning is already maxxed out. But leveling enchanting is hard. I almost dropped Skinning to take up tailoring so that I can get my enchanting up, but decided against it. I will never buy my mats needed for enchanting at the AH. So I am running instances over and over again to DE greens and Blues for my mats. I am also farming cloth as well because I am giving them to Saiyah for tailoring leveling. As stated above I will be running both Baki and Rena through Sunken Temple. Baki for the quests, and Rena for the greens and blues to DE, and mageweave cloth to give to Saiyah.

Slowly but surely, I am working on Saiyah. Main goal right now is to get her to lvl 35 so that I can get tailoring up to 300 with the help of Rena. I was able to get her to 28 last week with all the cloth turn ins at each city.

As for my other 2 characters, Banmidou and Hazuki, they are on the back burner for now. Banmidou is helping Saiyah with all the hard and group quests.

So that catches us up on Baki and friends adventures. I will continue to post more adventures soon.