Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Long awaited Adventure Update and Patch 3.3

Hey! Long time, no see and write. Its been 4 months since I last posted here and alot of things have changed. So lets get up to speed, with Baki and Friends.

Mahoro and Recruit a Friend

In my last update I wrote about finally getting my best friend to finally play Wow. So when she created her first character, Mahoro was born. My second paladin. My best friend and I played every week for 3 months during the time that our accounts were linked taking advantage of the triple exp and her granting me a level. We got up to level 65 questing in Terokkar Forest when she had to quit the game due to cutbacks in her budget. But I decided not to abandon Mahoro. She came too far for me to just abandon. So I continued on leveling her. While Baki has dual spec of Protection and Retribution, Mahoro will have Holy and Retribution. So, she uses Ret while leveling and when she does dungeons, she will be Holy. So, as she stands right now, she is level 79 with 5 bars left for 80 and 10 quest left to finish in Zul'Drak for the "The Empire of Zul'Drak" quest acheivement. I was trying to finish last night so she can be ready to do Heroics the next evening when Patch 3.3 goes into effect, but my unexpectantly, my internet went down. So she will definatly hit 80 tonight making her my 3rd level 80 character. She still needs to quest in Storm Peaks to open up the SoH quest line and Icecrown for Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade.


I haven't done much with Baki these last couple of months. The only acheivements that I have been working on were the holiday acheivements. Baki got the "Flame Warden" title for completing Midsummer Fire, and "the Hallowed" for completing Hallows end. I was not able to complete "Pilgrims Bounty" because I could not get that stupid "Turkinator" acheivement. Did not bother with Brewmaster during Brewfest, and I am definately gonna try for "Merrymaker" during "Winter Veil" in the next week or so. Thats it for Baki for now.


Currently, the only thing I am doing for Renachan is using her to help Mahoro with group quests. When I have a night to do things just for Rena, I do a full daily quest run. The only reputation she has completed was the Kal'uak. Other than that, she is on hold for now.

As for my other characters, they are on hold for now while I am leveling up Mahoro. Here are their current levels.

Banmidou - Level 62 Status: Currently questing in Hellfire Peninsula

Hazuki - Level 58 Status: Currently Finishing up Eastern Plaguelands and getting Mining up to 300

Saiyah - Level 48 She will be the next character that I will level up to 80. She is my priest, and I think that she will do better at healing then Mahoro.

Roya - Level 30 Status: Currently waiting in Stormwind.

Patch 3.3 The Fall of the Lich King

So, today is patch day. The long awaited patch 3.3 is out. But as with all major patches, there are always delays. As I am writing this blog, the patch is installed on both of my computers, but there are connection problems. I hope it gets resolved soon. Probably gonna go play some Ratchet and Clank on PS3 while I am waiting. Couple of things I am looking forward to on this patch.

Dungeon finder system- The new LFG system where you can find groups across realms to do dungeons and they can be random too.

Icecrown Citadel - 3 new dungeons and the raid. Baki may not be geared for this but still looking forward to try. May have to gear up through other dungeons.

So thats for this patch update. Hopefully I won't take so long in doing another post.