Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Weekly Adventure Update

Here we are, another week of Wow playing has come and gone. So, lets get up to speed.


Raiding and Intancing - Last week was kinda slow on raiding. I was able to join a Naxx10 raid that had already done Arachnid and Plague quarter. I got my first foray into the Construct quarter. We were able to down Patchwerk and Grobbulus, although I died on him. We wiped on Gluth. At that time it was so late (After 3am) I had to get to bed for work the next day. I did get some new pants for my DPS set and a couple of Emblems. I also finally was able to complete my first Heroic Dungeon: Gundrak. We wiped a few times but was able to finish the instance. Nothing interesting dropped, but I got a Frozen Orb.

Reputation and Dailies - My dailies are coming along well. I actually got exalted with the Kalu'ak thus completing my dailies with them. I bought the fishing pole and the Pengu pet. Now I need to learn how to fish. Here is where I stand now:

Wyrmrest Accord - Revered 17447/21000 = 83%. 17% more to Exalted
Knights of Ebon Blade - Revered 7886/21000 = 38%. 62%% more to Exalted

No change in Argent Crusade and Kirin Tor. In the Argent Tournament, I am now a Valient. So, I started to work on more Argent quests. I can say this right now, I totally SUCK! at jousting. I just can't get it down. I barely made it for Valient. All I know is that if I can't figure out jousting soon, I am not gonna get very far. *sighs*.

Loremaster - My questing for Loremaster continues. This week, I am concentrating on the Western and Eastern Plaguelands. Here are the reasons.

1. Of course, getting all of the quests done.
2. Getting Exalted with Argent Dawn by running Scholomance and Strathlome many times collecting Scourgestones, Bone Fragments, and Crypt Fiend parts to turn in for rep.
3. Collecting Runecloth for Saiyah's tailoring.

Once I finish the Plaguelands, then its back to Loch Modan and Wetlands to finish those quests.

Thats it for Baki.

Renachan - Nothing much on her but continuing her leveling up. Currently working on quests in Zul'Drak. With a little help from Baki, I was able to get Rena flying. Got her regular flying ability, Cold Weather Flying and got the special DK flying mount. She is now broke with approx 118G. Solution: More questing!

Saiyah - My priest is coming along great! She hit level 35 this week, so now I can go further with her professions of tailoring and skinning. She finished the STV starter quests and now its time to do her next instance: Scarlett Monestary. Baki will be running her through to make sure she has all the goodies from that instance.

Last, but not least: Hazuki- Started working on her again. Got her up to 57. Currently working on starter Plagueland quests. Maybe on one of the many runs of Scholo and Strat Baki does this week, I can take her along.

And thats it for this week. Good luck on your adventures this week, and see you next week.

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