Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Long awaited Adventure Update and Patch 3.3

Hey! Long time, no see and write. Its been 4 months since I last posted here and alot of things have changed. So lets get up to speed, with Baki and Friends.

Mahoro and Recruit a Friend

In my last update I wrote about finally getting my best friend to finally play Wow. So when she created her first character, Mahoro was born. My second paladin. My best friend and I played every week for 3 months during the time that our accounts were linked taking advantage of the triple exp and her granting me a level. We got up to level 65 questing in Terokkar Forest when she had to quit the game due to cutbacks in her budget. But I decided not to abandon Mahoro. She came too far for me to just abandon. So I continued on leveling her. While Baki has dual spec of Protection and Retribution, Mahoro will have Holy and Retribution. So, she uses Ret while leveling and when she does dungeons, she will be Holy. So, as she stands right now, she is level 79 with 5 bars left for 80 and 10 quest left to finish in Zul'Drak for the "The Empire of Zul'Drak" quest acheivement. I was trying to finish last night so she can be ready to do Heroics the next evening when Patch 3.3 goes into effect, but my unexpectantly, my internet went down. So she will definatly hit 80 tonight making her my 3rd level 80 character. She still needs to quest in Storm Peaks to open up the SoH quest line and Icecrown for Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade.


I haven't done much with Baki these last couple of months. The only acheivements that I have been working on were the holiday acheivements. Baki got the "Flame Warden" title for completing Midsummer Fire, and "the Hallowed" for completing Hallows end. I was not able to complete "Pilgrims Bounty" because I could not get that stupid "Turkinator" acheivement. Did not bother with Brewmaster during Brewfest, and I am definately gonna try for "Merrymaker" during "Winter Veil" in the next week or so. Thats it for Baki for now.


Currently, the only thing I am doing for Renachan is using her to help Mahoro with group quests. When I have a night to do things just for Rena, I do a full daily quest run. The only reputation she has completed was the Kal'uak. Other than that, she is on hold for now.

As for my other characters, they are on hold for now while I am leveling up Mahoro. Here are their current levels.

Banmidou - Level 62 Status: Currently questing in Hellfire Peninsula

Hazuki - Level 58 Status: Currently Finishing up Eastern Plaguelands and getting Mining up to 300

Saiyah - Level 48 She will be the next character that I will level up to 80. She is my priest, and I think that she will do better at healing then Mahoro.

Roya - Level 30 Status: Currently waiting in Stormwind.

Patch 3.3 The Fall of the Lich King

So, today is patch day. The long awaited patch 3.3 is out. But as with all major patches, there are always delays. As I am writing this blog, the patch is installed on both of my computers, but there are connection problems. I hope it gets resolved soon. Probably gonna go play some Ratchet and Clank on PS3 while I am waiting. Couple of things I am looking forward to on this patch.

Dungeon finder system- The new LFG system where you can find groups across realms to do dungeons and they can be random too.

Icecrown Citadel - 3 new dungeons and the raid. Baki may not be geared for this but still looking forward to try. May have to gear up through other dungeons.

So thats for this patch update. Hopefully I won't take so long in doing another post.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Adventure Updates, Refer A Friend, and Patch 3.2

Its been over a month and a half since my last post. I have been really busy with alot of other things, especially work and also playing with a new friend. So, lets get up to speed.

Refer A Friend - Over a month ago, I finally was able to drag my best friend into playing World of Warcraft. She spent the last couple of years playing Final Fantasy XI. I used the Refer A Friend program to bring her over. I created a new character, my second paladin, Mahoro, to level with her. Mainly for the triple experience. I also use my main character to run her character through the dungeons. We only play once or twice a week. But she does play on her own and when we do play together, she grants me levels to catch up with her. She has 6 characters already with all except for 1 character over level 20. Her main character is already 44 last I checked. We have a goal of reaching Level 60 by 9/9/09, because that's how long our accounts are linked for the triple exp bonus. All in all, she is now addicted and enjoying the game better than FFXI.

Characters and Leveling - I haven't really been doing much with Baki this past month, except for the occasional raid with my guild when they are not busy trying to complete Ulduar. Here are some good accomplishments.

1. Raiding - As stated my guild is trying to complete Ulduar on 25 man. Unfortunately I could not come for 2 reasons. One - not completely geared enough yet, and 2 the raid times start too early while I am still at work. There are some nights when they schedule a Naxx 25 or and Uld 10. I can get into those. My first foray into Ulduar was short. Only made it as far as Flame Leviathan. Got the "Shutout" achievement. But unfortunatly the MT had to go. I did kinda felt I was robbed of a good run. Hopefully I can try again soon. 2 weeks ago, we did a 25-man Naxx. Almost had a full clear but called it on Saphiron. Did get a couple of new T8.5 pieces for my tank gear. And that's pretty much it for raiding.

2. Questing - Whenever I can, I try to do my dailies to get my gold up. I still suck at jousting on Argent Tournament, but last night, after trying every week for the past month. I finally passed my champion test! I got the "Of Stormwind" achievement, and since I am exalted with Stormwind, I got "Exalted Champion of Stormwind" title. I hooting and cheering when I finally did it. I got my squire pet, 10 champion seals, and new dailies. Looking forward to doing these dailies.

Thats pretty much it for Baki. As for my other characters, they are slowly coming along. I stopped leveling my Hunter at 60, and my Shaman until 3.2 comes out, so they can start Flying. My DK, Renachan, is doing dailies and cleared her first Heroic Dungeon, Violet Hold last week.

Patch 3.2 - as I write this blog entry today, Patch 3.2 Call of the Crusade is being released today. I was looking forward to this new patch for several reasons.

1. Mount Changes - Now you can get a mount at lvl 20, epic mount at 40, and Flying mount at 60. That is awesome for my alts. It makes it so much easier to level.

2. New Dungeon - The Argent Colosseum is a new dungeon that is also a raid instance as well. Also, there are new tournament dailies, but unfortunately, unless you have the Crusader title, you can't do them.

Those are the only 2 things, I am looking forward to. Although I will have to wait until after work to start experiencing them. There is also a new Battleground, but I don't care about that since I don't do PVP.

With this in mind I have new goals for Baki:

1. Get the Ambassador title. Reason - Step one for getting Crusader title. Be Exalted with all Alliance Factions.

2. Get Exalted with Argent Crusade. Reason - Gets me the "Argent Champion" title, another step for Crusader.

3. Become champion of other Alliance cities. That may take awhile, but it puts me closer to...

4. Get Crusader title. Reason - To do the 3.2 Argent Tournament quests.

So, that's it for this post. Hopefully I won't take too long before I post again. Have a nice day and have fun with 3.2!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Adventure Updates

Good morning! I finally have some time to do an update on my characters latest adventures. First, let me say that if everything goes ok, my new computer will be arriving sometime today. According to the tracking information on the fedex website, its on the truck to be delivered. I can't wait! Now lets get up to speed with my characters adventures.

Bakihanma - I truthfully have been kinda slacking with Baki. The only thing he has been doing is dailies to save up gold to give Saiyah her dual spec so she can start healing. But, here are some of the his latest accomplishments within the last couple of weeks.

1. Got exalted with Knights of Ebon Blade which also gave me the achievement for 10 exalted reputations.
2. In a pug raid last week, did Tempest Keep, the Eye. That was pretty fun. It did actually take almost 25 80's to complete the raid. I could not imagine how hard it would have been at lvl 70.
3. Got my Blacksmithing profession maxed out by creating 2 pieces of Titansteel armor and weapon for Renachan to use when she hits 80.

That's pretty much it for Baki. Also slowly but surely working on quests for "Loremaster"

Renachan - My DK is now 79 and questing in Icecrown. I am definitely committed to getting her to 80 so that she can start doing Heroics, Raiding, and Dailies. I can't remember how far into 79 she is, but she is getting there.

Banmidou - He is now Level 57. One level away from starting the quests in Outland. Thats pretty much it for him

Saiyah - She is now level 40! Woot! With the new spells and "Shadowform" leveling should be easier now hopefully.

Roya - She is now level 20! I had started her on her second profession which is Inscription. With all the herbs she has gathered, I was only able to get her up to skill level 134. Herbalism is at 150. I need to gather more higher level herbs to keep going. On the good side. I started to sell the glyphs I have made so far. Even some lower level glyphs are selling well. What I do is I check the AH to see what glyphs that I can make are going for. If they are less than 2G then I don't post them. 4 or more gold I make one and post it. Already made over 100G already. Thats the most gold I ever had on a toon at that level.

So thats pretty much it on my updates. Hopefully next time I post it would be from my new computer. Until next time. Happy questing and Suffer well.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Computer for Baki and Friends

In about a week from now, Bakihanma and my other alts adventures will be alot better and smoother. I have ordered a brand new computer from Dell today. It will take a week or so to get here. Here are the main specs:

Processor: Intel Quad-core Q8200 2.33GHz
Ram: 6MB
Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 3450 256MB supporting HDMI
Hard Drive: 640GB Serial ATA 2 Hard Drive 7200RPM
OS: Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 Home Premium 64-bit Edition English
Monitor: 20.0 Dell ST2010 HD Widescreen Monitor with VGA Cable

Plus standard mouse and keyboard, 16X DVDR drive, and other goodies. Looking forward to it.

I know that I am behind on updates, but there haven't been much updates lately, but I will post one soon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weekly Adventure Update

I am a couple of days late in posting, but here is my update for the week.

This week for Baki was a slow week. I didn't get a chance to do any instancing or raiding. The only thing I have been doing for him this week are dailies. Just mainly dailies. Even doing dailies of factions that I am already exalted with. The big thing this week was me getting my Red Drake from being exalted with Wyrmrest Accord. It cost me 1600g. So I have been doing dailies to make up the gold lost on that purchase, but having my first Drake was worth it.

The next thing I am saving up for is 1K gold for Saiyah. I want her to have Dual Specialization. Holy to be a healer and Shadow for leveling. She is only level 37 right now. She can't get Dual Spec until lvl 40. So hopefully I will have the gold saved up for her by the time she hits 40.

Rena is now 78 and I got her leveling in Storm Peaks starting on the Sons of Hodir questline. Already friendly with them. Got more quests unlock. I can't wait to get her to 80.

Saiyah is coming along great. As already stated above, she is level 37 being triumphant in Scarlet Monestary. Here's the story. I joined a group for SM that had 4 priests and 1 warrior. Me and 1 other priest was Shadow and the other 2 was Holy. So the warrior tanked one Holy priest healed and the remainder priests DPS. We pretty much knocked out the Library and Armory. The coolest thing was I had the both the highest DPS and damage. Not bad huh. Got my Illusionary Rod from this run and Robe of Doan from an earlier run with Baki. So the next stop for Saiyah is Theramore Isle.

Hazuki is in the Outlands! Right when she turned 58, I got her started on the Outland quests in Hellfire Peninsula. Kinda hard for her right now as she is using lvl 40+ Maces. Hope to get upgrades soon.

I actually took a night and worked on Banmidou. Got him to level 54 and finished up the Un'Goro quests that has been sitting in his quest log for almost a year. I really need to get his weapons updated. I have been dual wielding with a level 31 and a level 46 1H sword. I actually got a drop on a good green 2H sword. So, when I finished Un'goro. I went to The Deadmines to train on the 2H sword. Got it skilled up in no time. Next stop in leveling is Felwood.

I would now like to introduce a new character I just started today. A human mage named Roya. I already got her up to Level 11 and finished up all the starter area quests in Elwynn Forest. Why did I start a new character? The reason is that I wanted to give a shot at the 2 professions that I have never done since I started playing Wow. They are Herbalism and Inscription. I haven't started Inscription yet, but I have got Herbalism up to 75 already so far. I wanted to really stock up on the herbs before I started the Inscription profession.

With the introduction of Roya to my lineup, I guess that officially makes me an Alt- a Holic. So thats it for this weeks update. Until next week and happy gaming.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Weekly Adventure Update

Another week of Wow playing comes to an end. Actually, for me its 2 weeks. Did not get a chance to post my update last week, so this week will cover the last 2 weeks. So lets get up to speed.

Raiding and Instancing These past 2 weeks I actually got to run Naxx 25 with my guild. I came in late on the run from 2 weeks ago where we did Construct, Sapphiron, and KT. Last week we started fresh with Arachnid, Plague, and most of Military. With these last 2 runs, Baki got some huge armor upgrades for his tank set including my first Tier 7.5 piece Valorous Redemption Breastplate. These runs also allowed me to purchase some badge gear. Unfortunately the new armor caused my Defense rating to fall way below 540 which is needed to tank. So I had to buy new gems to socket and enchants to reechant my headpiece. All in all they were good runs.

Daily Quests and Reputation - Last week, I finally hit Exalted with Wyrmrest Accord. That took alot of doing the 2 daily quests everyday for them. So, now I am able to purchase the Red Drake Mount. But I don't have enough Gold yet. Need to do more daily quests. So, heres where I stand on my Reputaion grind.

Knights of Ebon Blade - Revered 74% 15597/21000 - 26% to Exalted
Argent Crusade - Revered 11% 2375/21000 - 89% to Exalted
Kirin Tor - Friendly

My Argent Tournament dailies are coming along OK. I still suck at jousting, but I am slowly working on it. Although I am already honored with Sons of Hodir, I am doing the dailies again mainly to save up gold for my drake.

Loremaster - My questing for Loremaster continues. I have completed all of the quests mainly in Western and Eastern plaguelands, all the quests for Scholomance and Strathlome, and got Exalted with Argent Dawn. The next weeks focus will be on finishing up 2 low level areas, Loch Modan, and Wetlands.

Renachan - Didn't do much with Rena these last 2 weeks except for leveling. Trying to finish questing in Zul'Drak with only doing the quests at the Argent Stand. When I hit 78, I am going to take her straight to Storm Peaks to do start the Sons of Hodir quest line and at 79, its on to Icecrown to unlock Shadow Vault and Crusaders Pinnacle. I really want to get her to 80.

Saiyah - She's coming along well. This weeks focus is doing the Scarlett Monestary instance. Baki will be running her through the instance.

Hazuki - I have really been working on her these last 2 weeks. Got her to 58. She is now ready to go to Outland. Hope to do well with her.

So thats it on this weeks update. Until next week and Happy questing

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Weekly Adventure Update

Here we are, another week of Wow playing has come and gone. So, lets get up to speed.


Raiding and Intancing - Last week was kinda slow on raiding. I was able to join a Naxx10 raid that had already done Arachnid and Plague quarter. I got my first foray into the Construct quarter. We were able to down Patchwerk and Grobbulus, although I died on him. We wiped on Gluth. At that time it was so late (After 3am) I had to get to bed for work the next day. I did get some new pants for my DPS set and a couple of Emblems. I also finally was able to complete my first Heroic Dungeon: Gundrak. We wiped a few times but was able to finish the instance. Nothing interesting dropped, but I got a Frozen Orb.

Reputation and Dailies - My dailies are coming along well. I actually got exalted with the Kalu'ak thus completing my dailies with them. I bought the fishing pole and the Pengu pet. Now I need to learn how to fish. Here is where I stand now:

Wyrmrest Accord - Revered 17447/21000 = 83%. 17% more to Exalted
Knights of Ebon Blade - Revered 7886/21000 = 38%. 62%% more to Exalted

No change in Argent Crusade and Kirin Tor. In the Argent Tournament, I am now a Valient. So, I started to work on more Argent quests. I can say this right now, I totally SUCK! at jousting. I just can't get it down. I barely made it for Valient. All I know is that if I can't figure out jousting soon, I am not gonna get very far. *sighs*.

Loremaster - My questing for Loremaster continues. This week, I am concentrating on the Western and Eastern Plaguelands. Here are the reasons.

1. Of course, getting all of the quests done.
2. Getting Exalted with Argent Dawn by running Scholomance and Strathlome many times collecting Scourgestones, Bone Fragments, and Crypt Fiend parts to turn in for rep.
3. Collecting Runecloth for Saiyah's tailoring.

Once I finish the Plaguelands, then its back to Loch Modan and Wetlands to finish those quests.

Thats it for Baki.

Renachan - Nothing much on her but continuing her leveling up. Currently working on quests in Zul'Drak. With a little help from Baki, I was able to get Rena flying. Got her regular flying ability, Cold Weather Flying and got the special DK flying mount. She is now broke with approx 118G. Solution: More questing!

Saiyah - My priest is coming along great! She hit level 35 this week, so now I can go further with her professions of tailoring and skinning. She finished the STV starter quests and now its time to do her next instance: Scarlett Monestary. Baki will be running her through to make sure she has all the goodies from that instance.

Last, but not least: Hazuki- Started working on her again. Got her up to 57. Currently working on starter Plagueland quests. Maybe on one of the many runs of Scholo and Strat Baki does this week, I can take her along.

And thats it for this week. Good luck on your adventures this week, and see you next week.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weekly Adventure Update

So, another week of Wow playing has come and gone. Its been a good week, too so lets bring you up to speed.

Raiding and Instances On Baki, I actually got into some raids this week with my guild. I got to do OS10, got the 22-slot dragon hide bag from it and 4 Emblems. Also did Naxx10 but only the Arachnid and Plague Quarter. It was my first time in Plague Quarter. When we did the Unclean boss, I got 1-shotted by the stuff coming out of the floor. Not my fault they did not explain the fight to me. But they manage to down him. In the end I finally got enough Emblems to get my first piece of badge gear, Chained Military Gorget, tank necklace. So that puts me back down to 5 Emblems.

On my other characters, I completed Scholomance with Renachan and Sunken Temple with Hazuki. Yep, took her out of retirement. I wanted to start playing with her again. I started with Sunken Temple to do the shaman class quest for that level.

Daily Quests and Reputation - My daily quests are coming along real nicely. Here is where I stand on my reputation leveling:

The Kalu'ak - Revered 18391/21000 = 88%. 12% more to Exalted
Wyrmrest Accord - Revered 13603/21000 = 65%. 35% more to Exalted
Knights of Ebon Blade - Revered 5103/21000 = 24%. 76% more to Exalted

No change in Reputation for Argent Crusade and Kiren Tor. Argent Tournament = meh for now.

Leveling - This past week, I started back up on leveling Renachan to get her to 80. I am at a point in her profession leveling to where she can start Disenchanting Northrend greens and blues to build up her mats for Enchanting. Got her up to 77. Although 77 is the level to start flying, she unfortunatly does not have enough gold to get CWF and her special DK flyer. So, more questing for her.
Did alot of leveling with Saiyah. Got her up to level 34. Working on starter STV quests.

So thats pretty much it for this week. Also note that today's maintenence will feature another patch. 3.1.1a. Until next week

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weekly Adventure Update

Another week of Wow playing has come and gone. With last weeks release of Patch 3.1, two of my characters were able to make huge strides in their professions. So lets get started with Baki.

Patch 3.1 - Of course that was the big thing last week. I did get my dual spec. Primary is Protection and Secondary is Retribution. The two things I really liked about 3.1 besides dual spec and Argent Tournament is swimming mounts (You can even mount underwater. How cool is that!) and 30 minute hearthstones. I don't care about Ulduar raid right now cause I am not geared enough for it yet.

Raids and Instances - Did not do much in Instances this week with the release of 3.1, I was more busy dealing with the new content, so I skipped on doing instances. Maybe this week.

Daily Quests and Reputation - Now that I got Exalted with Sons of Hodir, I started working on the dailies for the Kalu'ak and Ebon Blade, and also added Argent Tournament dailies to my list as well as my continued efforts on Wyrmrest Accord. Heres where I stand on the Wrath factions.

The Kalu'ak - Revered 11791/21000 =56%. 44% more to Exalted
Wyrmrest Accord - Revered 11005/21000 = 52%. 48% more to Exalted
Knights of Ebon Blade - Revered 2892/21000 = 14%. 86% more to Exalted
Argent Crusade - Revered 105/21000 = Less than 1%.
Kirin Tor - Friendly
Silver Covenent - Neutral You get rep with this faction for doing Argent Tournament dailies.

I haven't really done much with Argent Crusade or Kirin Tor. They are pretty much the least of my concerns for right now. Main thing is to get Exalted with Wyrmrest to get a Red Drake Mount.

Loremaster - Worked more on low level quests to get my Loremaster title. I worked on the Dwarf/Gnome starter quests in Dun Morogh and doing Gnomergan with all the quests. This weeks goal - Finish up Dun Morogh, start and get most of Loch Modan completed. This weeks old school instance is Scholomance. Gonna run it with Renachan.

Professions - As stated earlier, with 3.1 there were alot of changes for professions. Baki's professions are Mining and Blacksmithing. This past week, I was finally able to get my Blacksmithing from 263 skill all the way up to 445 skill current. To get to 450, I need to make Titansteel armor and weapons. It kinda sucks as Titansteel has a 20 hour cooldown for each bar made. Also they require Frozen Orbs which can be obtained from Final bosses of Heroic instances and badge vendors.

Thats it for Baki's update.

The only major thing about Rena this week was getting her profession up as well. She has enchanting. With the help of Baki leveling up Blacksmithing, Rena benifited from Disenchanting all of the items Baki made, thus getting enough materials for her enchanting. Currently she is stuck at 346 skill. 4 points away from 350 to get into the Wrath enchanting set. Just need more Arcane Dust. I am still mainly farming cloth for Saiyah.

Saiyah - Only 2 things done last week. Leveled to 31 and getting Gnomergan done. I am gonna start questing this week in usual places for Lvl 30 - 34 . The Mirage Raceway quests, the starter quests in STV, the spy quests in Theramore, and the quests in Southshore dealing with the Murlocs and Naga along the Hillsbrad shoreline. At 35, Scarlett Monestary.

So thats it with this weeks update. Happy questing!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Patch 3.1 today!!!

Not even 5 minutes after I posted my adventure updates, I saw that today Patch 3.1 Secrets of Ulduar comes out today. I honestly did not expect this. I seriously thought that it will not come out unitl next week. But its a good thing now. It changes things on what I am gonna do for Baki.
The bummer thing is that I won't be able to check it out until after work tonight. The servers are down til at least 2 or 3 pm eastern time depending on how long the maintenence takes. I start work at 1:30 and work til 10 pm.

For Baki, here are the major things I am looking forward to for 3.1

1. Dual Specs - This is one of the major things I am looking forward to. With dual specs, you can have 2 sets of talents and is able to switch between the 2 when needed. Baki is specced at Protection (tank). The second spec will be Retribution (DPS). So that if I am looking to do instances and raids, I have the option of tanking or DPS. I do prefer tank, though.

2. Argent Tournament - World Event with new dailies to do located in Icecrown at Sindragosa's Fall. Baki will probably be spending alot of time here. Lots of new loot and rewards

3. Ulduar Raid Intance. This is the biggest thing to come out patch 3.1 with over 800 pieces of loot that drops from all the bosses. Unfortunatly, unless I get lucky. It will be a while before I can do this instance as I am not geared enough. I haven't even done a full clear of Naxxramas yet. The rest of my guild unfortunaly will be jumping on this immediatly. I won't be suprised that when I log in tonight, my guild will already be doing the instance.

Those are the major things for Baki. But there are alot of cool things that benifits all of my characters mainly which are:

1. 30 minute Hearthstone down from 1 hour.

2. Swimming mounts. I am definately looking forward to this feature. No more getting dismounted in deep water.

So, here's hoping to a successful patch, and good luck to everyone in Ulduar and the Tournament.

Weekly Adventure Update

First, I hope that everybody had a Happy Easter. With that said, here is the last update from last week.

Raids and Instances - Last week with Baki, I was able to do a 10 man VoA in a pug. Nothing useful dropped but I got 2 more badges to add. As of now I have 19 EoH's and 10 EoV's. Still got a ways to go before I start buying badge gear. Later that evening, I was invited by a guild to be an Off Tank to a 10 man Naxx run. Most of my guild at the time was doing 25Heroic Naxx. We did the Military quarter but unfortunately we kept wiping on Instructor Razuvious. I don't know what we were doing wrong as it was my first time in the Military quarter. So, it was called off after 5 wipes. I ended that night session with my first clear of Utgarde Pinnacle on regular mode.

Reputations - For Baki, I finally hit exalted with Sons of Hodir, after finishing many days of doing dailies. I also got the 5 factions exalted achievement. Still got along ways to go for Wyrmrest and I am gonna start working on Kalu'ak dailies and Knights of Ebon Blade.

Loremaster - My ultimate quest for Loremaster continues this week as Baki along with Renachan cleared Sunken Temple and increased the number of quests needed for Loremaster. Also starting, in Stormwind, I turned on low level questing and picked up all the quests in Stormwind. I will complete them as i get to each zone. This weeks goal is to do the starter quests for Dwarf and Gnomes to earn exalted rep with them.

Renachan I did 2 major things with Rena this past week. 1) As stated above cleared Sunken Temple with Baki, but Rena was doing it for farming purposes. Trying to collect greens and Blues to Disenchant for enchanting mats, and Mageweave cloth for Saiyah's tailoring. Also, the other night, along with 6 other people, we were able to 7 man clear Onixya getting her first raid achievement. This week, I will be farming Marudon and Dire Maul for Runecloth to give to Saiyah.

SaiyahOnly good thing with Saiyah this week was dinging Level 30 on her and finishing up the quests in Duskwood except for the Morbent Fel quest line that takes me up to Menithil Harbor. She got her mount (man I forgot how slow the first mounts are)and as of now, I have her stationed in Ironforge to do Gnomeregan.

So, that's it for my updates. Until next week, Happy questing!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Adventure Updates

I haven't got a chance to update within the last 2 weeks due to working too much, but I do have one heck of an update on what has been accomplished up until yesterday. So here is Baki's current adventures.

Raids and Instances

I don't know if its bad luck or the group I am in , but I cannot seem to complete a Heroic instance. Not even Heroic UK. I Pugged this instance twice within the last 2 weeks, but cannot down Ingvar on his undead phase and usually after 2 failures everybody gives up. Last week I tried with my guildies Heroic VH. The first boss was Ichoron and we could not down him. At the rate I am going, who knows when I will finally clear my first Heroic.

On the good side, this past weekend I was able to do with no effort at all, Ragefire Chasm. I knew my way around Ogrimmar when I was playing with my Horde characters, so I just charged in there, and went straight to the instance, and then it took only 5 mins to get the acheivement. I also was able to do it with Renachan, although she was not as lucky as Baki was. She made it to the instance portal before she got overwhelmed by the Horde guards. But once she made it in, it was no problem.

Last night, I was invited with my guild to do an old school raid. Blackwing Lair. I got summoned when they were on the last boss. 12 lvl 80's were able to down him and I got the acheivement.

Reputation Leveling

The first part of my sessions always start with doing my dailies to raise my Reputation. The only 2 I am working on right now are Wyrmrest Accord and Sons of Hodir. I start off at Wyrmrest Temple to do Defending Wyrmrest Temple. Then I fly all the way to Coldaara to do Drake Hunt. I don't do Aces High! For the life of me, I simply cannot do that quest. I can't even down one drake. Once I am done there, I head to Dun Neffilum in Storm Peaks to do my Sons of Hodir dailies. I do all the dailies there. And then I head back to Dalaran to try for Heroics and Raids. Within the last week, I was able to get Revered with Wyrmrest and SoH, and as of right now I am approx 26 percent away from Exalted with SoH. I got a long ways to go for Exalted with Wyrmrest. I am only at 25% into Revered. Good thing is that when I do Heroics, I wear the Wyrmrest Tabard to gain rep.


My ultimate goal in this game is to get the Loremaster acheivement and title. I started out last week by going through Duskwood and Redridge Mountains to see if I had missed any quests. I found a total of 7 quests that I missed in both zones, and I knocked them out pretty quickly. Theres nothing more fun than to beat up on Lowbie mobs. I am also gonna tackle all the dungeons. But when I do the dungeons, I always make sure that I have all the quests for them before I do the dungeon. Currently with Rena, I am collecting all the quests to do Sunken Temple, then both Baki and Rena will do Sunken Temple together.

So that catches us up with what Baki is doing.

Now as for Renachan, I have frozen her leveling up for now except for dungeons to work on farming and profession leveling. She has Skinning and Enchanting. Skinning is already maxxed out. But leveling enchanting is hard. I almost dropped Skinning to take up tailoring so that I can get my enchanting up, but decided against it. I will never buy my mats needed for enchanting at the AH. So I am running instances over and over again to DE greens and Blues for my mats. I am also farming cloth as well because I am giving them to Saiyah for tailoring leveling. As stated above I will be running both Baki and Rena through Sunken Temple. Baki for the quests, and Rena for the greens and blues to DE, and mageweave cloth to give to Saiyah.

Slowly but surely, I am working on Saiyah. Main goal right now is to get her to lvl 35 so that I can get tailoring up to 300 with the help of Rena. I was able to get her to 28 last week with all the cloth turn ins at each city.

As for my other 2 characters, Banmidou and Hazuki, they are on the back burner for now. Banmidou is helping Saiyah with all the hard and group quests.

So that catches us up on Baki and friends adventures. I will continue to post more adventures soon.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Last Nights Wow Session

Last nights Wow session started ok, but ended up being great. So heres what happened:

Baki - I started the session as usual at Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight doing the daily quest "Defending Wyrmrest Temple". After completing the daily there, I started to head to Coldarra for the other dailies "Aces High!" (I hate that quest) and the quest where you snare the young dragon.

I saw in the general chat that they were looking for a tank for Old Kingdom as it was the daily Heroic. I thought I give it a shot. I got into the group and headed in. Result: Fail we wiped on the first boss and the healer gave up and quit. So, I quit too and continued on to Coldarra. When I was done with Coldarra, I saw that I only had 503 rep to go to hit Revered with Wyrmrest. Which means, in my next session, I will be able to get my tank chest and boots upgrade, which will put me over the 540 def needed for raids.

I made a pitstop in Dalaran to drop of bank stuff and repair then headed over to Storm Peaks to do Sons of Hodir dailies. Pretty simple dailies. Back in Dalaran I saw that someone was looking for a DPS to run Draktharon Keep on Reg. I decided to do that with Rena and logged off Baki for the night.

Rena - Logged onto Rena to do DtK with the group. Not a bad group. We pretty much plowed through the instance. I was hoping the 2H sword drop form Trollgore, but not this time. But in the end, I did get a pants upgrade for her from the final boss. At least I got the acheivement. But I still need to run through it again for the quests. Just a little fun with her that night.

Saiyah - I worked on Saiyah earlier that day. On that session with some group help, I was able to finish the Redridge Mountains quests which made her ding 27. Now all thats left to do before 30 is to finish up Duskwood.

So thats it for this session. Until next time.

First Post

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I am writing this blog to talk about my characters adventures in World of Warcraft. I have 5 characters that I play with but I am only really playing with 3. My main character, Bakihanma lvl 80 Paladin, Renachan lvl 76 Death Knight, and Saiyah lvl 27 priest that I am quickly trying to level up.

I am a casual player, as I only play Wow 4 nights a week. Mon - Thurs. I am too busy with my RL job to play on weekends. The guild I am in is a raiding guild. They already cleared all the current content and is looking forward to Ulduar when 3.1 comes out. Baki was able to do a couple of OS and VoA runs, but they don't want me in Naxx yet till I am suffeciently geared.

My biggest achievement since Wrath came out that I got that my guild does not have is "Loremaster of Northrend". I took my time when Wrath doing all the quests necessary for the achievement. My ultimate goal is getting "Loremaster" and "The Seeker" for doing 3000 quests.

So thats it with introductions. Heres where we stand. Baki is mainly working on dailies for Wyrmrest Accord, Sons of Hodir, and Ebon Blade. As of last night, he got revered with Sons and he is close to being revered with Wyrmrest so that he can get the tanking boots and chest. He is trying to do Heroics but they always fail. Last week he almost got through Heroic Utgarde Keep. Made it to the last boss, but we had too many wipes and the group gave up after that.

I haven't done much with Rena as I am working on her in the old world trying to farm mats to get her enchanting up. I may bring her on to do some instances but that its for now.

I started Saiyah a couple of weeks ago as I am trying to power level her up. I want her to be a healer, but right now as she is leveling, she is sticking with the Shadow spec. Whats intersting is that during the level 10-20 phase she keeps dying. Its the most I have ever died with one character. But once she got over 20 and got the Holy Fire spell, she kicking butt.

So as I play each session, I will update what has happened. Until then, have a nice day or evening.